Please reach out the appropriate department for the below topics based on your questions and support needs. For contact information of a broader range of departments, use the Graduate School Directory.
Graduate Enrollment Management Services (GEMS)
These staff members are the best resources for questions about:
- MyGrad
- New GPA Training
- Student petitions
- Troubleshooting
- Grad Slate
- Application fee waivers
- Evaluation requests
- Admission petitions
- Graduate school admissions requirements
- English language proficiency requirements
- On-Leave status
- Academic Performance & Progress
- Degree requests
- Candidacy requests
- ETD submission
- Letters of certification for students whose degree is not yet posted
- Reinstatement
Make an appointment with a GEMS Advisor
Appointments are available through the year. You can make an appointment through our appointment scheduler for new Graduate Advisor training, MGP troubleshooting, Slate Petitions/Requests, an admissions/graduation refresher, assistance with computing the total value of the financial offer, questions on Graduate School Policy, and more.
Contact a GEMS Advisor
Submit a help ticket to the GEMS Advisor team by emailing,
The Slate team members are the best resources for questions about:
- Login issues with Slate
- Application Updates and Edits
- Application Deadlines and Opening Dates
- Slate Reader & Application Review
- Decisions
- Query/Report
Online Training, Demos, and Appointments
See our Events and Scheduler page for the latest online training sessions and appointments.
Contact the Slate Team
Submit a help ticket to the Slate team by completing the Slate Support Ticket form here.
Office of Academic Affairs
The Office of Academic Affairs is the best resource for questions about:
- Supervisory committees
- Reading committees
- GSRs
- Committee chairs
- Suspending Admissions to a Graduate Program
- Proposing a new sequential combined undergraduate/graduate (CUG) degree program
- Proposing a new degree program
- Membership in the Graduate Faculty and Doctoral Endorsement
- Graduate Courses in Non-Degree-Offering Units
Contact the Office of Academic Affairs
Academic Affairs Directory Listing
Fellowships & Awards
The Fellowships & Awards is the best resource for questions about:
- Policies and best practices on fellowships, traineeships and graduate student jobs (RA/TA/SA/Predoc Instructor)
- UAW/UW ASE union contract
- Salary rates for RA/TA/SA/Predoc Instructor
- National fellowships such as Fulbright, NSF, Boren, CLS, Hertz, NDSEG, etc.
- Graduate School awards
- Troubleshooting tuition waivers
Contact Fellowships & Awards
Fellowships & Awards Directory Listing
Office of the University Registrar (OUR)
The Office of the University Registrar is the best resource for questions about:
- Degree Certification/Verification
- Enrollment verifications
- Registration issues
- Diploma issues
- Transcript issues
Contact OUR
To submit a ticket with OUR or email specific within OUR departments, visit the Contact OUR webpage.
International Student Services (ISS)
International Student Services is the best resource for questions about:
- Immigration advising – maintaining status, benefits, university/immigration policy and restrictions
Contact ISS
Student Fiscal Services (SFS)
Student Fiscal Services is the best resource for questions about:
- Tuition & fees