Coordinating a successful site visit is a cornerstone of an academic program review. The Graduate School Office of Academic Affairs (OAA) is eager to partner with you to plan a rewarding site visit. The following information and resources will help your unit draft a strong site visit agenda and prepare for your upcoming site visit.
Steps for Developing the Site Visit Agenda and Self-Study
- Twelve weeks before the site visit, the unit provides draft site visit agenda with self-study, including meeting location(s)
- Office of Academic Affairs and review committee provide feedback
- Unit revises agenda and finalizes schedules for participants and conference rooms
- Site visit agenda must be finalized at least two weeks before site visit
Self-Study Resources
- Self-Study Guidelines for Units Under Review in 2024-2025 (PDF)
- Self-Study Guidelines for Units Under Review in 2025-2026 and Beyond (PDF)
- Instructions: Gathering Institutional Data for Self-Study (PDF)
Site Visit Agenda Resources
- Site Visit Planning Session Presentation Slides (PDF)
- Best Practices in Developing a Site Visit Agenda (PDF)
- Sample Agenda: 2-Day Site Visit (Suggested for College or School) (Word Doc)
- Sample Agenda: 2-Day Site Visit (Suggested for Departments) (Word Doc)
- Sample Agenda: 1.5-Day Site Visit (Word Doc)
Graduate School Program Review Contacts
For more information, contact the program review team at
The program review team members are:
- Chris Partridge, Director, Academic Program Review
- Ann Busche, Academic Program Review Specialist