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Site Visit Planning

Coordinating a successful site visit is a cornerstone of an academic program review. The Graduate School Office of Academic Affairs (OAA) is eager to partner with you to plan a rewarding site visit. The following information and resources will help your unit draft a strong site visit agenda and prepare for your upcoming site visit.

Steps for Developing the Site Visit Agenda and Self-Study

  1. Twelve weeks before the site visit, the unit provides draft site visit agenda with self-study, including meeting location(s)
  2. Office of Academic Affairs and review committee provide feedback
  3. Unit revises agenda and finalizes schedules for participants and conference rooms
  4. Site visit agenda must be finalized at least two weeks before site visit

Self-Study Resources

Site Visit Agenda Resources

Graduate School Program Review Contacts

For more information, contact the program review team at
The program review team members are:

  • Chris Partridge, Director, Academic Program Review
  • Ann Busche, Academic Program Review Specialist